Coenzyme Q10 (COQ10)

Why is it important? COQ10 works in the mitochondria (important part of the cell) where it produces cellular energy from the food that we eat – It is important for energy producing which powers muscles and other parts of the body – Important for overall heart health Benefits – May support the health of vessel walls – May reduce headaches and migraines – Improves sperm motility in men Where do we get it? – Healthy bodies produce it naturally – Supplement form foods: fish, meats, oils from soybean, sesame, and rapeseed (canola) There is no official Daily Value recommendation.  Take the supplement with a meal containing fat. Suggested 90 to 120 mg of supplemental CoQ10 for; any adult taking statin medications for those with a family history of heart problems; anyone with a risk for cardiovascular disease. “This dosage is also appropriate for otherwise healthy men and women as a preventive measure and to help maintain a healthy cardiovascular system” (Weil, 2012). Deficiency. – Older aged people can be at risk – People who use statin drugs (impairs the body’s ability to create COQ10 on its own which is when a supplement is necessary) – Deficiency has been associated with cardiovascular problems (angina, arrhythmia, heart failure and high blood pressure) – Problems with blood sugar regulation    BIBLIOGRAPHY


Probiotics with Digestive Enzymes “Enzymes and probiotics are two different supplements that can be taken together to support and help optimal digestion and address different digestive issues, as well as help with the overall health of the body” (Labrador, 2013). Why is it important? – Promotes healthy intestinal micro flora – Helps promote optimal digestion – For good overall health Probiotics – “Good” bacteria- living microorganisms – Necessary for digestive and immune health Digestive Enzymes – Assist the chemical breakdown of food into smaller components to be absorbed – They extract essential nutrients from food and transform food into energy – Rebuilds cells Benefits Digestive enzymes taken with meals along with a daily probiotic help with complete digestion along with: – helping to balance pH – breaking down and eliminating proteins – reinforcing nutrient acquisition to replenish important nutrient – promoting timely elimination of toxins through the colon, kidneys, skin, and lungs – decreasing the incidence of improperly digested food becoming toxic in the body – promoting blood circulation, cellular vitality, and overall health and wellness Where do we get it? Probiotics – Yogurt, Dark chocolate, Miso soup, Pickles, Kampuchea tea Supplement Enzymes – raw food, raw vegetables, raw fruit Daily recommended value Varies depending on the person. Deficiency Enzyme Deficiency Signs and symptoms to look out for: – digestive problems, skin rashes, acne, eczema, brain fog, headaches, mood swings, joint and myofascial pains, bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine (also known as SIBO), Trouble digesting fatty foods Probiotic Deficiency Signs and symptoms to look out for: – Antibiotic use can cause a deficiency, Food poisoning, Digestive disturbances, Severe...